Resource Filter

Welcome to the Web2Rights Navigator

We have developed this site to make it easier to find and use resources which we have created. You don't need to sign up to use this site but you can if you wish to recover your list of documents.

Sign up here!

Where to start?

There are a number of ways you can get started.

How to use the diagnostic tools

There are diagnostic tools available in the IPR, Inappropriate Content, Data Protection and Freedom of Information categories. As you navigate through the questions and decisions you are able to add resources to your "cart" of items. Once you have finished you can return to this website and view these. If you register you are able to send this list by email too.


Licence to use: Copyright HEFCE 2009. This website and its content has been licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial. No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England and Wales Licence

Disclaimer Statement: Whilst we hope you find the contents of this website useful and informative, the contents are for general advice and best practice purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Although we believe the contents are up to date and accurate as well as a true representation of best practice advice for JISC funded projects and potentially others engaged with Web2.0 technologies, we can give no assurances or warranty regarding the accuracy, currency or applicability of any of the contents in relation to specific situations and particular circumstances, appropriate professional legal advice should always be sought.